Become Certified
There are two avenues of certification through NAWRB for women business owners:
- NAWRB Women-Owned Business Certification for any women-owned business Specializing in the Housing Ecosystem. Services include yet not limited to: Brokerages, Lenders, Legal, Title, Escrow, Property Preservation, Management, Servicing, and Asset Management.
- NAWRB Minority Women-Owned Business Certification for any minority women-owned business Specializing in the Housing Ecosystem. Services include yet not limited to: Brokerages, Lenders, Legal, Title, Escrow, Property Preservation, Management, Servicing and Asset Management.
Upon receiving NAWRB certification you will be promoted in a custom press release and showcased in NAWRB Magazine’s upcoming issue.
Industry-Specific Certifier
Women-Owned Businesses and Minority-Women Businesses
NAWRB is the only third-party, industry-specific certifier of Women-Owned Businesses (WOB) and Minority-Women Businesses (MWOB) specializing in the housing ecosystem. NAWRB also advocates for federal initiatives to increase the utilization of women-owned businesses and works with financial institutions to encourage enhanced visibility and opportunities for certified women-owned businesses.
NAWRB Women-Owned Business Certification requires applicants to provide the following documentation to be eligible:
- The business must be 51 percent or more women-owned, managed and operated
- The women business owner(s) must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident alien
- Technical expertise in the Housing Ecosystem

NAWRB vs. Others
NAWRB is the only housing ecosystem trade association exclusively representing professional women and women-owned businesses. Other groups focus on specific minorities, individual women or allow general memberships. NAWRB maintains a focus for its Consortium base for all women in the real estate industry. Diverse employee demographics of a given business are a positive indicator a business’s commitment to women and minorities and is in itself a noble goal that NAWRB supports. However, to qualify for set-asides or be certified, a company must be women-owned and operated. Therefore, NAWRB’s certified businesses must meet this criteria.
NAWRB has strong relationships with REO outsourcers, servicers, financial institutions and government entities. NAWRB regularly uses federal and state initiatives to monitor current usage and advocates for increased utilization of women-owned businesses across several platforms. Many institutions respond with requests for access to our network of Consortium businesses, providing a consistent flow of referrals to our Consortium.
Recognition & Opportunity
NAWRB certification leverages our platform of advocacy in your favor.
Showcase your NAWRB certification by adding the NAWRB brand to your website, signature line and marketing materials. Gain publicity online and through traditional print with key industry partners. Utilize NAWRB’s various initiatives and advocacy programs to benefit your company.
NAWRB has strong relationships with REO outsourcers, servicers, financial institutions and government entities. NAWRB regularly uses federal and state initiatives to monitor current usage and advocates for increased utilization of women-owned businesses across several platforms. Many institutions respond with requests for access to our network of Consortium businesses, providing a consistent flow of referrals to our Consortiums.

Become Certified
Join the largest women real estate industry-specific certifier.
NAWRB advocates for federal initiatives to increase the utilization of women-owned businesses and works with financial institutions to encourage enhanced visibility and opportunities for certified women-owned businesses through various advocacy programs and initiatives.
As a certified businesess you will be leveraging the brand and recongnition of the most visible women’s trade organization in the housing ecosystem. NAWRB represents an expansive industries within housing.
- Certification
- $495
- NAWRB Women-Owned Business certification provides a third-party certification for the women-owned businesses and minority women-owned businesses specific to the Housing Ecosystem. *Certification are valid for one year from award date
- Become certified as a women-owned businesses and minority women-owned businesses
- Ongoing industry information from our communication platforms including our blog, magazine and SheCalls
- Upon receiving NAWRB certification you will be promoted in a custom press release and showcased in NAWRB Magazine’s upcoming issue.
- Use NAWRB Certification emblem to signify your status and help increase encourage enhanced visibility and opportunities for certified women-owned businesses.
NAWRB Women-Owned Business Certification requires applicants to provide the following documentation to be eligible:
- The business must be 51 percent or more women-owned, managed and operated
- The women business owner(s) must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident alien
- Technical expertise in the Housing Ecosystem
A number of other certifications exist for women-owned businesses. Women business owners should match their choice of certification to those companies or entities which they seek to do business with. Three broad categories exist:
Third-party, industry-specific certification – NAWRB is the only such certifier of women-owned businesses in the housing ecosystem.
Third-party certification – The two largest third-party certifiers are the National Women Business Owners Corporation (NWBOC) and the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). These entities provide widely-recognized, third-party certifications for women-owned businesses, however, they do not specialize in the housing ecosystem.
Self-certification – To date, the federal government has allowed women-owned businesses to self-certify. This option has limited mechanisms to ensure that applicants are indeed women-owned businesses. The Women-Owned Small Business Program (WOSB) and the Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) administered by the Small Business Association (SBA) still qualify under the “self-certification” designation. There are approved third-party certifiers for this program available on SBA.gov. This program is designed for women business owners pursing federal contracts; the SBA should be contacted directly for more information. The SBA also offers 8(a) Certification, which designates a business as small, using federal size guidelines. This certification is for any small business, not solely women-owned businesses.
State and Local Certifications – Some states and other localities offer women-owned business certification. These certifications are most beneficial to businesses seeking contracts with applicable state and local government entities. For example, the state of California does not offer women-owned business set-asides in contracting opportunities, while the city of Los Angeles does. Business owners should first explore contracting opportunities and recognized set-asides at the state and local levels.
Minority-, Veteran-, and Veteran Disabled- Certifications – Other designations exist for a wider group of historically disadvantaged business owners. Those certifications require much of the same criteria; for example, like women-owned certification, the disadvantaged business owner must have a controlling stake (51% or more ownership). The National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) provides a widely-recognized Minority-Owned Business certification, whereas veterans have a similar program to certify their businesses as well.
Before deciding on a particular certification, each business owner should ask herself two questions:
Which categories of certification are most representative of my business? Women-Owned? Small? Minority? Veteran? This will narrow down the options available by identifying the certification most applicable to your business. Many business owners have multiple certifications, such as an 8(a), women-owned business located in a HUBzone.
Who am I seeking to do business with? The federal government? The state? Industry-specific targets? Identifying those businesses or entitities which will be on the receiving end, or “user end” of your certification is a key component when deciding on which certification to pursue.
There are many avenues for women-owned business certification and NAWRB provides an industry-specific, third-party certification that, like all certifications, may or may not be accepted at private and public institutions. Due to the changing WOB certifications, our use of the word “certification” in any press releases or on this web-site should not be construed in any way as approved certification through any specific organization or entity. Due to the underlying similarity of many certification programs, NAWRB recognizes women-owned business certifications issued by other national, women-specific, third party certifiers. Those are NWBOC and WBENC specifically and NAWRB Consortium businesses must still satisfy the association’s industry-specific requirements to be designated as a certified NAWRB Women-Owned Business.
A series of documents and information are required for the certification application.
Section One:
- General Business information
- Owner Information
- Board Member and Key Management Information
Section Two:
- Company Area Coverage
- Personnel Information
- Personnel Diversity
- Financial Requirements
Section Three:
- Professional References
- Organizational Structure
- Organization Registrations
Once a complete application has been submitted, the processing time takes six to eight weeks for the application to be processed. Within this time period, additional documentation or clarification may be requested of your organization. The six- to eight-week time frame applies to completed applications only.
When submitting your NAWRB Women-Owned Business or Minority Women-Owned Business Certification application, adhere to the following tips and guidelines to ensure a timely response to your application:
- Mail your certification application in a single three-ring binder.
- Separate the sections and documents per Section One, Section Two, and Section Three guidelines listed on your application.
- Label old or unclear documents with post-its or tabs.
- Make sure to register your company with SAM (https://www.sam.gov/portal/public/SAM/) before submitting your certification application.
- Print out two copies of the certification application: One to turn in, and one to use as a check list during the application process.
- If a document is missing or inapplicable to your business, include an explanation and reason for non-inclusion of the document on a company letterhead, with the signature of the business owner.
- Listen to NAWRB’s Call4All Certifying as an NAWRB Women-Owned Business before beginning the certification process.
- Remember that anyone can call NAWRB at (949) 559-9800 with questions about the certification process.
- Visit Certification FAQ’s for more helpful tips.
Important Notice: Businesses seeking certification can receive certification aid during the certification process and prior to submitting a certification packet. If interested in certification, companies should be confident that their business can pass the litmus test of “women-owned on paper, women-operated in practice, and experienced in real estate.” If you have questions about your eligibility to be part of the Consortium and/or certification through NAWRB, email info@NAWRB.com or call us at (949) 559-9800.
A women-owned business whose work is in the real estate industry can certify as a NAWRB Certified Women-Owned Business or Minority Women-Owned Business and submit different documentation depending on the structure of the business. The term “women-owned” is defined by 51% or more women ownership.
All documents and information submitted to NAWRB becomes the property of the association; certification application documents will not be returned to applicant upon completion of certification. All documents and information are securely stored in an off-site location, and only certification review committee members will have access to said documents.
Submission of certification application may subject you to a public records search, search on the respective Secretary of State website, or other Internet-related searches. A formal criminal and civil background check will be performed on the applicant or the applying business during the certification process.
NAWRB’s Certification Board is comprised of five participants, including one attorney and one Certified Public Accountant. The Certification Board will review all certification applications during a meeting held on each second Wednesday of the month. A live phone interview is required as part of the certification process and must be completed prior to final review and approval.
One of NAWRB’s Board of Directors are required to call each certification applicant and ask a pre-determined series of questions about the certification application, including but not limited to, inquiring about the business structure of applying business, the role of the majority stakeholder in day-to-day operations, and prior certification attempts.
The applicant’s business is solely responsible for completing and submitting the application package. Applications must be submitted in the correct order, titled, and tabbed in a 3-ring binder. NAWRB staff is available to answer questions, on required documents. If any listed documents do not apply to the applicant’s business structure, a cover letter with company heading, explanation of why a document is inapplicable to the business, and majority stakeholder’s signature must be included in lieu of the document.
Completed applications are accepted by mail via trackable courier only. Applications sent via email will not be accepted.
Complete certification applications should be mailed to:
NAWRB Certification
13 Fairdawn
Irvine, CA 92614
Once a complete certification application is received, the applicant’s package will begin the review process. The review is completed by the Certification Committee that verifies that all of the documents are present are in order and current.
The certification review is comprised of three phases for quality and integrity assurance:
- Phase One entails a thorough review to see that all of the required documents have been submitted, and that the application is in the correct order. If any documents are missing, the member will receive an e-mail notification of missing documents or issues to be clarified. The certification process will not continue past Phase One until all documents are submitted and any clarification requests have been satisfied.
- Phase Two entails a review and performance of due diligence regarding the submitted documents, including, but not limited to: public information checks, verification with the respective Secretary of State, verification of SAM registrations, and reference checks.
- Phase Three entails the regional NAWRB board member calling the certification applicant for a telephone interview, consisting of questions for the applicant. If an applicant does not answer a phone call, the board member will attempt a second phone interview within three (3) business days. After the second attempt, it is the applicant’s responsibility to contact her respective board member to complete the interview. Certification will not be completed unless the board member is contacted and the phone interview is conducted.
Following internal review of all three phases of the certification application by the board of reviewers, external due diligence performance public records searches, and telephone interview, all qualified applications will go before a final vote of the Certification Board. Completed NAWRB Women-Owned Business or Minority Women-Owned Business Certification applications will be batched and reviewed by the Board on the second Wednesday of each month.
Within three (3) business days, applicants will be notified of the outcome of the certification application. Successful applicants will receive an electronic copy of their certificate and an exclusive NAWRB Certified Women-Owned Business logo package for their marketing materials, a press release to distribute to local media outlets, and a fact sheet on what to do after you’ve received your NAWRB Women-Owned Business or Minority Women-Owned Business Certification.
Applicants whom are rejected certification on any grounds will be provided a detailed list of reasons for rejection and will be given an opportunity to remedy their situation by petitioning the certification board for a second review with supplemental evidence.
Disclaimer: There are many avenues for WOB certification and NAWRB provides an industry-specific agenda, third-party certification that, like all certifications, may or may not be accepted at private and public institutions. Due to the changing WOB certifications, our use of the word “certification” in any press releases or on this website should not be construed in any way as approved certification through any specific organization or entity.
Any applicant who is rejected certification on any grounds will be provided a detailed list of reasons for rejection. To challenge the certification rejection, the applicant must present a written letter that rebuts each reason for rejection, along with sufficient evidence and documentation. Upon reception of rebuttal, the Certification will re-examine the application, along with new evidence and documentation, on the second Wednesday of the month. There is no limit on how many times a business can petition certification.
NAWRB Women-Owned Business and Minority Women-Owned Business Certification expires one year after initial award date.
NAWRB reserves the right to decertify any business that was certified by the association. Grounds of decertification can include, but are not limited to, finding falsified documents, change in business structure, change in ownership, and poor performance.
If a business has been de-certified, the business has the right to appeal decertification. To challenge the decertification, the applicant must present a written letter that rebuts the reason for decertification, along with sufficient evidence and documentation. Upon reception of rebuttal, the Certification Board will re-examine the certification application, along with new evidence and documentation, on the second Wednesday of the month. There is no limit on how many times a business can petition decertification.
Frequently Asked Questions
The information and documentation that we request is used to verify that the various levels of operations within your organization show that your business is:
- The business must be 51 percent or more women-owned, managed and operated
- The women business owner(s) must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident alien
- Technical expertise in the Housing Industry
For example, a signature authorization card from your bank shows that a woman might have signing authority on a business’s checking account, whereas the checks themselves are verified proof that a woman is exercising authority to run the business on a day-to-day operational level. We are looking at an aggregate of these documents.
The certification process takes six to eight weeks once a complete certification application is submitted. If new documents are required, it may take additional time to complete the certification process. NAWRB Women-Owned Business and Minority Women-Owned Business Certification will be awarded on the second Wednesday of each month. This may extend your certification process depending on when you certification package is deemed complete.
All private asset management companies will accept different certifications, simply choose NAWRB from their drop-down menu or input your information directly into their document repositories. If NAWRB is not listed, type in your certification in the first available space or email info@NAWRB.com so that we may work with them to have our certification added. Policies at government agencies and GSEs may vary; for example, HUD relies on its asset management companies to vet their subcontractors and so the process will vary from entity to entity.
Yes- when applying for certification, choose the box stating that you will be certifying as a minority woman business owner.
Once you have successfully completed the certification process, you will receive a electronic copy of your Women-Owned Business Certificate via e-mail. No paper copy is awarded.
A certification package must be submitted via mail and attached in a manner where the order follows the application. The completed certification package must be mailed using a trackable courier to:
13 Fairdawn
Irvine, CA 92614
You can contact the certification NAWRB staff member at 949-559-9800 or email us at certification@NAWRB.com.
Businesses, clients, and asset management companies will know you are certified as a women-owned business through the only organization that offers WOB certification specific to real estate. WOB certification is a marketing tool designed to compliment your overall approach to promoting your business. If you need tips on how to leverage your certification post-award, NAWRB provides its certified businesses with several tools such as a press release, marketing tips, etc. If coupled with a membership, NAWRB offers its certified businesses with prominent listing on www.NAWRB.com, outreach to asset management companies on your behalf, and other promotional opportunities.
The documents required are various documents detailing general business information, financial documents, and company structure. For the full list of documents, go to www.NAWRB/certification.
Financial documents are required to prove that you are a stable and solvent company.
If you do not feel comfortable divulging sensitive information, you may redact information that is not critical to the recognition and ownership of documents. Redactions will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Certifying as a women-owned business through NAWRB requires additional documents in addition to those required by WBENC or NWBOC. It is not necessary to complete the entire certification application if you're certification through one of those organizations is still active.
We are the only women-owned business certification specific to the Housing Industry.
All documents submitted to NAWRB for certification are stored in a secure off-site location. Only the NAWRB Certification review committee members will be able to access documents during the certification process. Upon award, completed certification packets are moved to off-site secured storage.
It is a third-party certification that is accepted by non-governmental parties. The SBA WOSB or EDSWOB certification programs are specific to a particular government contracting program specific to women-owned businesses. Those programs technically qualify as "self-certification" and are not recognized by NAWRB.
Yes. To certify with NAWRB as a women-owned business, you do not have to be a member of NAWRB.
NAWRB’s Women-Owned Business and Minority Women-Owned Business Certification will be able to show asset management companies, corporate clients and the public that you are officially certified as a women-owned business. You will also be able to use NAWRB membership benefits to excel in your business. For more information on how NAWRB and its certification can improve your business, visit the Member Services page.
Certification is valid for one year after initial award date and re-certification renewal is required to revalidate your certification each year.
NAWRB does not guarantee any listings or referrals with membership or certification, however certified members may take precedence over non-certified members for referrals.
If you are considering changes in your business structure, ownership, or place of business, you can still certify as a women-owned business and mail documents showing proof of change as they occur.
To renew your certification, you are required to send NAWRB your required updated documents from the past year of business, along with any changes in business structure, location, key management and board members, and any other major changes that affect your business.
If you have any changes within your company, you can mail any new documents to:
NAWRB Certification
13 Fairdawn
Irvine, CA 92614
If one of the documents is no longer in your possession, please include a cover letter in your certification application explaining why the required document is no longer available. The cover letter should be on the business’ letterhead with an explanation of why the document is not available, along with a signature of the majority stakeholder.
Real estate brokerages need to provide an executed purchase sales contract. This serves as evidence that you are a woman working in real estate and in practice within your organization.
Yes. Names of documents may vary based on state, board, client, or numerous other factors. If you're not familiar with a document we are asking for, simply give us a call or email Certification@NAWRB.com.
This is evidence of a woman exercising financial authority to run the business on a day-to-day operational level.
This is evidence of a woman exercising managerial authority to run that business on a day-to-day operational level.
Your birth certificate is used to verify your gender and U.S. citizenship.