Support Local Businesses on Small Business Saturday


For many holiday shoppers, Thanksgiving is linked to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but how many of you have heard of Small Business Saturday (SBS)? Unlike the popular Friday and Monday deals, Small Business Saturday is focused on local, small businesses. American Express launched the program in 2010 to encourage shoppers to buy local and help their neighborhood businesses thrive.

Interesting Facts about Small Business Saturday:

  • The first ever Small Business Saturday was observed on November 27, 2010.
  • By 2011, SBS was made official all over the country and people including President Obama voiced their support for the movement. Obama said, “America has always relied on the vision of our entrepreneurs and small business owners to push boundaries and keep us on the cutting edge. As we mark Small Business Saturday, let us continue to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit wherever we find it.”
  • In 2012, Amex encouraged small business owners to seize the opportunity that was specially designed to help them promote their businesses. American Express provides free personalized ads that appear across the web.
  • 73.9 million people shopped at small businesses in 2012
  • In 2013, more individuals and organizations joined the movement to become Neighborhood Champions—organizers who arrange events to support neighborhood small businesses for Small Business Saturday. Over 1,450 Neighborhood Champions signed up to support their local small businesses
  • 2014 saw the maximum support, to date, for small businesses and has made it a holiday tradition. An estimated $14.3 billion was spent at various small independent businesses across the nation
  • After the successful American campaign, the Small Business Saturday UK was launched in 2013; it is observed on December 5.

Small businesses contribute significantly to our communities and economy, and it is important to give back to them. This Saturday, show your thanks by patronizing small businesses in your community. Be sure to share your outing on social media by using the hashtags shopsmall and smallbusinesssaturday.

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