7 sheCENTER(FOLD)s Part of 2017 NAWRB Conference


Roaring Thirty Winners and/or Conference Presenters – NAWRB Magazine sheCENTER(FOLD)s

 Playing it Forward – Their tips for women as they have climbed the corporate ladder.

“As a woman you have to be willing to lean in and deliver, and over deliver. I think the key differentiator in creating success is, who wants it most? Who is willing to make it happen, whatever that means? Realize your strengths, review what you need to change, and do what it takes to get yourself to the next level.” (Vol. 2 Issue 5)
Amy Brandt
President & Chief Operating Officer, Docutech Corporation
NDILC Council Member

“I think that women, in particular, really want to make a meaningful difference in their own lives and the lives of others that does not involve making a profit … I created the Idea Lab as a vehicle to aggregate, evaluate, and generate new ideas to help stabilize the industry, as well as help create a more sustainable future.” (Vol. 3 Issue 4)
Toni Moss
Founder and CEO of AmeriCatalyst LLC and EuroCatalyst BV
Keynote Speaker


“To succeed in anything, whether it’s real estate or another field, you can only be a real master of one. You have to be completely focused on what you’re doing, be persistent, happy and passionate. You have to be able to not only impart knowledge on people, but have the passion and excitement. It’s important both the buyer and the seller understand you really care about them.” (Vol. 3 Issue 7)
Jill Eber
Broker Associate, Coldwell Banker
Winner of “The Producer” Roaring Thirty Award


“Most people need help in developing self-awareness. Some people never develop in this regard and the consequences for themselves and those with whom they come into contact are usually neither positive nor productive. I would strongly advise women to embark on a journey of discovering who they really are, understanding their potential to be effective leaders, and how to take their careers to the next level.” (Vol. 4 Issue 3)
Sharron P.A. Levine
Director of the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI), (FHFA)
Speaker “Women’s Diversity and Inclusion”


“During times of unforeseen change one can learn a lot with one of those most important lessons being learning to embrace change regardless of the uncertainty. By embracing change you are able to see through the trees and often recognize new opportunities in the distance.  I would say don’t give up and be open to trying new things … You have to put any doubt you have behind you and look forward to a new beginning, a new chapter in your life.” (Vol. 4 Issue 3)
Patricia Arvielo
President and Co-Founder, New American Funding
Winner of “The Trailblazer” Roaring Thirty Award


“The value of mentorship is women taking the time to give back to other women coming up the ranks, in any capacity. It doesn’t have to be women to women either; it can be men to women. Mentorship has to be flexible but it has to come from the heart. Too many people try to make a business out of mentorship, but they are not truly passionate enough and I don’t believe they can reach the essence of an individual in these cases.” (Vol. 5 Issue 2)
Desirée Patno
CEO & President, NAWRB
Speaker “Small Business Sustainability Care Package”

“Sometimes it’s good to get out of your comfort zone and take a risk … Being a leader is looking for skills and experiences to provide growth opportunities and fresh perspectives in areas. I would encourage more women and leaders to not only take those risks but also think about being comfortable managing things you may not have technically done before.” (Vol. 6 Issue 1)
Marcia Davies
COO, Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)
Speaker “Women’s Housing Future” and “Women’s Trade Associations, Collaboration for the Future”

Men are 46 percent more likely than women to have a sponsor or mentor. Find out the right steps to take as you move up the ladder!

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