Procurement Contracts

Erin E. Andrew

Former Assistant Administrator, Office of Women’s Business Ownership at the SBA

“We are thankful to NAWRB and all of the women’s organizations who have contributed greatly to the continued successes of the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program since it was launched in FY2011.”

NAWRB believes in the power of procurement contracting to achieve a “win-win” for women across the housing ecosystem. Many women may not be aware of specific contracting opportunities and set-asides designed to give women-owned, women-minority owned and majority women-owned businesses a level playing field when seeking to work with the government. In addition to government contracts, many companies desire to diversify their pool of contracting candidates and want to position themselves for success by working with women who offer the best products and services.

Businesses can even work together to enhance maximize competing for opportunities. Recently, NAWRB completed a direct request from a federal agency with a 280-page Executive Coaching and 360-degree Assessment Request for Proposal (RFP through weeks of intense work and the assistance of our incredible teaming partners. We continue to monitor and receive procurement opportunities for women.

Becoming an NAWRB Member grants you access to the elite networking, event and business opportunities in addition to potentially teaming up with other companies. We are leveraging our membership base, from landscapers all the way to executive trainers, so the faster you join us, the faster you can meet other businesses with whom you might be able to partner.

After becoming a member, the easiest way to position yourself or your company to team with NAWRB as well as our members  is to let us know about you. NAWRB’s Women’s Global Resource Center (NWGRC) allows you to register your information with us in less than 10 seconds!