2019 WHER Excerpt: Key Characteristics of Global Women Entrepreneurs


The six-volume 2019 Women in the Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER) will be released by the beginning of the third quarter. Attendees of the 2019 NAWRB Conference, Redefining Leadership, on August 4th-6th in Pasadena, CA, will get to hear expert industry leaders discuss the main topics from the report, including diverse leadership, homeownership, business ownership, aging population and more! Read more for an excerpt of the report. 

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Women’s Entrepreneurship 2016/2017 report provides a thorough review of women’s entrepreneurship in four main geographic regions of the world, including East and South Asia, Europe and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa. Here are some of the key characteristics of global women entrepreneurs. 

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