NAWRB’s ‘Next Chapter’ Addresses Elder Financial Abuse


Elder abuse is a worldwide, and often silent, issue affecting the older population in various forms, including financial, physical, psychological and sexual abuse, and neglect. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 15.7 percent of people 60 years and older experience abuse, while only 4 percent of these instances are reported. The aging population is increasing rapidly in countries across the globe, and only 40 percent of countries have a national plan in place to address elder abuse.

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Governor Brown Passes SB 826 Bill Requiring Women on Corporate Boards


California Governor Jerry Brown signed the SB 826 “Women on Corporate Boards” bill this past weekend, a landmark legislation requiring female representation on corporate boards. Specifically, SB 826 requires that at least one woman be on the board of publicly held companies in California by year end 2019. Despite concerns over its potential efficacy, the bill is an important step in diversity and inclusion, as well as for the advancement of women.

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