The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2018 American Community Survey one-year estimates reveal that the national poverty rate was 11.8 percent in 2018, a decrease from 12.3 percent in 2017. Fourteen states had a poverty decline, while Connecticut was the only state to have an increase during the same time period. Seven states had poverty rates lower than 10 percent in 2018, but other states have the highest poverty rates up to 19.7 percent. Read more for a list of the states with the highest poverty rates.

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Tag Archives: HousingEcosystem
NAWRB Introduces Weekly WHER Chat Series
In honor of the release of the 2019 NAWRB Women Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER), NAWRB invites the housing and real estate community to participate in the WHER Chat series to discuss key topics and themes in the report. Each week, we will post a “WHER Chat” blog with a different topic for public discussion. Professionals and industry experts are encouraged to bring their unique perspective and overlooked problems or issues to create an informative and engaging dialogue regarding the dynamic ecosystem.
Advertising Deadline for NAWRB Magazine Special Edition, Redefining Leadership: Sept. 10th, 2019
The 2019 NAWRB 10th Anniversary Conference, Redefining Leadership, brought together industry leaders and senior executives from across many industries in the economic ecosystem earlier this month. The upcoming NAWRB Magazine Special Edition: Redefining Leadership will recapture the synergy and eye-opening conversations with exclusive coverage of our professional mastermind event. Companies who want to be a part of this incredible issue must submit their advertisements by September 10th, 2019.
2019 NAWRB Conference Recap
The 2019 NAWRB Conference, Redefining Leadership, has come to an end this week, but for all our senior executive and industry expert participants, this is just the beginning of newfound relationships and forward-thinking dialogues that were formed during this informative and invigorating professional mastermind event.
Just Released: NAWRB Exclusive Special Edition Magazine – Year of Women
Women in the Housing and Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) announces the release of NAWRB Magazine Volume 7, Issue 3, The 5th Annual 2018 NAWRB Conference Special Edition. This issue brings exclusive coverage of our exceptionally high-profile and information-packed conference celebrating the “Year of Women” in Chicago, IL, the heart of America and the city’s business center. In case you missed it, or you are eager to relive the experience, this issue, accompanied with extensive video coverage, you can catch a glimpse of the incredible discussions, presentations and connections made at this diverse gathering of thought leaders and industry experts.
2018 NAWRB Conference Exclusive Testimonials
As NAWRB looks forward to celebrating a decade as an organization, we are reminiscing about this year’s 2018 NAWRB 5th Annual Conference, “Year of Women,” which featured impeccable discussions, presentations and connections at a historical gathering of thought leaders and industry experts from across the housing ecosystem. This event showed that the industry can achieve great things for women’s economic growth and diversity and inclusion when men and women professionals and related industries work together, share each other’s resources and knowledge, and support each other’s successes as teammates instead of competitors. In case you missed it, read below from our incredible speakers and attendees as they describe their unique experiences and the benefits they received from being a part of this dynamic movement for gender equality.
NAWRB Membership Drive: Converse, Connect and Cultivate Now
Are you a professional in the housing and real estate ecosystem who wants to cultivate deeper relationships, gain Leadership and Sustainable Business Opportunities and Growth, or learn about the Latest Developments and Resources in your industry? Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) offers all that and more through our memberships for both women and men and advanced platforms. Relationships are everything, and having the right ones could save your deal and advance your book of business beyond your wildest dreams.
Just Released: NAWRB Magazine sheCENTER(FOLD) Gina Diez Barroso, President & CEO, Grupo Diarq
Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) proudly announces the release of Volume 7, Issue 1, Women’s Economic Growth, presenting current issues women face in their professional and personal lives, from gender imbalances in the workplace, changing dynamics in the industry and the struggle to maintain a work-life balance. As our sheCENTER(FOLD), we have the privilege of showcasing Gina Diez Barroso, President and CEO, Grupo Diarq; Founder, Fundación Pro-Educación Centro and Fundación Diarq; and Chairman, Dalia Empower.
Diez Barroso, the founder of Mexico City’s first and top-ranked university specializing in creative studies, and the only Mexican belonging to the C200, takes us through her childhood in Mexico and her journey to becoming an influential entrepreneur. Through her diverse organizations, she is helping countless women leave abusive relationships and reach their full potential by harnessing their power.

Get an exclusive look at the 2017 ICOGAS International Conference on Gender & Sustainability, which took place on the margins of the 72nd U.N. General Assembly. The event featured leading global strategists, academics, CEOs, and international leaders, who convened to generate actionable gender equality and women’s sustainability solutions.
NAWRB Magazine is your resource for women’s issues in the housing and real estate ecosystem. Through the strength of our relationships with global women leaders and senior executive women, we are driving collaboration towards gender equality.
NAWRB Releases Spring 2018 Women in the Housing Ecosystem Report
Women in the Housing and Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) announces the release of the Spring 2018 Women in the Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER). This two-volume sequel to the 2017 Women in the Housing Ecosystem Report provides in-depth analysis, trends and policy suggestions regarding the state of women’s homeownership and women professionals in the housing ecosystem.