WHER Chat: Gender Gaps in STEM Across the World


According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), median annual earnings for women in STEM fields are $64,000 versus $78,000 for men, and women are only three in 10 of STEM workers. There is a discernible gender gap certain high-tech jobs in the United States. For instance, women accounted for less than 20 percent of those employed in these positions in 2017. In particular, women made up 18.7 percent of software developers, applicants and systems software positions; 4.2 percent of computer network architects; and 8.9 percent of aerospace engineers. 

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Women Inventors Comprise Less Than 13% of Patent Applicants Globally


Across the world, women inventors make up less than 13 percent of patent applications, and most of the women in that share are the only female in a team, according to a new study by the UK’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO). The IPO study explores the representation of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) in worldwide patenting, highlighting gains and areas of improvement for women’s presence among STEM inventors. 

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WHER Chat: The State of Women and Girls in STEM


The National Girls Collaborative Project presents statistics on their website on the state of girls’ involvement in STEM through primary education – from kindergarten through high school, from an analysis of data from 2016 National Science Foundation reports. Here are some of their main findings regarding differences in STEM involvement for female students compared to their male counterparts. Students regardless of sex, race or ethnicity, enrolled in lower level science courses in 2012 at similar rates. However, students with less-educated parents or with lower socioeconomic status were less likely to take these courses. 

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SHETalk: Dr. Chitra Dorai on Artificial Intelligence & Technology Human Balance™


Dr. Chitra Dorai, AI Scientist, Entrepreneur and Former IBM Fellow and CTO at IBM Global Services, took the stage after Sharron Levine, Director of the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) at the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), to give her presentation on Technology Human Balance ™ during the SHETalk series at the 2018 NAWRB Conference.

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