Discrimination in the AI Industry Contributes to Discriminatory AI Systems


A new report from New York University’s AI Now Institute titled Discriminating Systems: Gender, Race and Power in AI highlights the diversity crisis in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector and its effect on the development of AI systems with gender and racial biases. 

The lack of diversity in the AI sector and academia spans across gender and race. Recent studies show that women comprise only 15 percent of AI research staff at Facebook and 10 percent at Google. Women make up 18 percent of authors at leading AI conferences, while more than 80 percent of AI professors are men. Representation of other minorities is also sparse. Only 2.5 percent of Google’s workforce is black, while this is true of 4 percent for both Facebook and Microsoft. 

According to researchers, AI’s lack of diversity extends past the underrepresentation of women and other minority groups to power structures and the creation and use of various AI systems. Most of all, the report suggests that historical discrimination in the AI sector needs to be addressed in tandem with biases found in AI systems. 
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Discrimination in the AI Industry Contributes to Discriminatory AI Systems


A new report from New York University’s AI Now Institute titled Discriminating Systems: Gender, Race and Power in AI highlights the diversity crisis in the AI sector and its effect on the development of AI systems with gender and racial biases.

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Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate: How to Leverage the Disruption


Discussions about how artificial intelligence (AI) will alter the workforce as we know it is a hot topic among thought leaders, including those in the housing and real estate ecosystem. While some fear that improvements in machine learning and cognitive intelligence will present a threat to jobs—which is certainly an important concern—others see AI as a helpful tool for real estate professionals.

When hearing the term “AI,” people often think of chatbots and Siri or Alexa; however, experts see AI as having greater potential as a common helper in the real estate industry—being able to communicate with buyers in an intelligent manner and identify important signals for property regulations, such as RegTech.
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SHETalk: Dr. Chitra Dorai on Artificial Intelligence & Technology Human Balance™


Dr. Chitra Dorai, AI Scientist, Entrepreneur and Former IBM Fellow and CTO at IBM Global Services, took the stage after Sharron Levine, Director of the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) at the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), to give her presentation on Technology Human Balance ™ during the SHETalk series at the 2018 NAWRB Conference.

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Dr. Chitra Dorai Talks Reimagining AI in Evolve ETFs Podcast


Interested in learning about the latest developments happening in Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Listen to Dr. Chitra Dorai, Former IBM Fellow, Master Inventor, VP of CTO Cognitive Services, Member of IBM Industry Academy & Academy of Technology, speak with Evolve ETFs about how her work is reimagining A.I. and her experience as a female IBM Fellow. NAWRB is proud to have Dr. Dorai as a member of NAWRB’s Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC), sheCENTER(FOLD) of NAWRB Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 2, The Strength of Business Ownership, and winner of The Visionary Award.

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sheCenter(FOLD) – Dr. Chitra Dorai

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Former IBM Fellow, Master Inventor, VP, CTO Cognitive Services, IBM Services, Member of IBM Industry Academy & Academy of Technology

Dr. Chitra Dorai

Dr. Chitra Dorai, a Former IBM Fellow and expert in AI and Cognitive Sciences, takes NAWRB along the journey of her life. A precocious child in Chennai, India, who dreamed of becoming a brain scientist, she traveled to the United States to realize her aspirations, ultimately earning IBM’s highest honor and helping thousands of homeowners during the financial crisis. From her obsession with popular culture trivia to her experience being a mother, this influential woman is taking on the computer. 

NAWRB: Where did you grow up, and what was your childhood like?

Dr. Chitra Dorai: I grew up in a sunny South Indian city called Chennai, previously known as Madras, located on the south eastern coast of India. Chennai is one of the largest cosmopolitan cities in India and is well known as an economic, cultural, and educational hub in South India. In fact, it is often called the “Detroit” of India because many of the automobile manufacturers have their Indian operations there. It is also technology-centric. A lot of multinational companies, including IBM, have their IT service delivery centers in Chennai. At the same time, it is a city of contrasts. It continues to be traditional and conventional in certain ways, culturally-rich and conservative, compared to other major cities in India. It is famous for its soaring temples, luxurious silk, and centuries-old musical traditions.

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Just Released: NAWRB Magazine sheCENTER(FOLD) Dr. Chitra Dorai Former IBM Fellow

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Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) is excited to announce the release of NAWRB Magazine Volume 7, Issue 2, The Strength of Business Ownership, featuring sheCENTER(FOLD) Dr. Chitra Dorai, an AI Visionary, Former IBM Fellow, Master Inventor, VP of CTO Cognitive Services, Member of IBM Industry Academy & Academy of Technology, and co-inventor of more than 45 patents. Come hear Dr. Chitra Dorai’s presentation on Technology Human Balance ™ as part of our new SHETalk series at the 2018 NAWRB 5th Annual Conference, “Year of Women,” July 29th – 31st in Chicago, IL at The Standard Club.
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