2017 NAWRB Conference – Microsoft Office 365 Business: Special Training Guide for Real Estate Professionals Launch


Day 2 of the 2017 NAWRB Nexus Conference featured Melanie Gass, Sr. Partner Channel Marketing Manager SMB&D, USSMB Business Development, Microsoft, unveiling a New Special Training Guide for Real Estate Professionals!
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LIVE Updates: 2017 NAWRB Conference- Women’s Poverty and the Housing Ecosystem

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Zeeda Daniele, Community Lending and Strategic Partnerships National Manager, New American Funding, moderated a powerful and engaging session on “Women’s Poverty and the Housing Ecosystem” with special guests Deborah Canady, Enterprise Partnership Manager, EarnUp; Silvia Rathell, CEO, Rathell Enterprises; and Sandra Speed, Regional Diverse Segments Manager, Wells Fargo.

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Live Updates: 2017 NAWRB Conference- New Updates from the Office(s) of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) and GSEs.


Our first session following Tanya Komas’s Keynote Address was an enlightening and engaging discussion of Directors from the Office(s) of Minority and Women Inclusion and GSE’s, including guests Sharron P.A. Levine, Director, OMWI, FHFA; Victor Christiansen, Chief of Minority and Woman Business and Diversity Inclusion Branch, OMWI, FDIC; Stuart Ishimaru, Director, OMWI, CFPB; Tomaneci A. Waller-Day, Supplier Diversity Director, Freddie Mac; and Moderator Desiree Patno, CEO & President, NAWRB.

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Arbrook Realty Group, LLC Receives HUB Certification from State of Texas


NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswoman, Rosalind Booker, is proud to announce that Arbrook Realty Group, LLC has been certified as a Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB). This certification provides assistance to (HUBs) by raising awareness, outreach, education and training regarding doing business with the State of Texas.

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NAWRB Honors the Top 50 Revenue Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSB) in the Housing Ecosystem


The National American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes are the standard used by Federal statistical agencies when classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. The Small Business Administration (SBA) sets the Small Business Size Standards in accordance with these NAICS codes.

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Can Crowdfunding Solve Women’s Access to Capital Woes?


A new report from the National Women’s Business Council (NWBC), Crowdfunding as a Capital Source for Women Entrepreneurs, explores the relationship between crowdfunding and women entrepreneurs, aiming to garner a deeper understanding of crowdfunding as a source of business capital.

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Census Bureau Calendar: Surveys in Your Community



The U.S. Census Bureau recently posted release dates for each “regular and recurring statistical product” scheduled to be released in 2017. The products—ranging from events, to publications and outreach programs—can be found in the Census Bureau’s online product calendar, which is updated throughout the year.

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Recruiting and Retaining in Today’s World


“Times are changing,” a phrase that has been uttered by countless people throughout time. In regards to recruiting and retention, what has changed is the workplace and work culture. The office isn’t what it used to be, and neither are professional relationships. A growing number of workers are reaping the benefits of technology and flexible work arrangements leading to being able to work from home or have a modified schedule.

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