Womens’ Economic Growth and Advancement: Insights from Desiree Patno, CEO of NAWRB, on Critical Mass Radio Show


Fraud and embezzlement in banks can drastically take a toll on business owners. But it is possible to change the system and protect our hard­ earned money. Desiree Patno, the CEO of NAWRB is looking to spread the word on this issue. She joined us to talk about her own personal experiences and how you can avoid becoming a victim. Here are three takeaways from our time with Desiree Patno on Critical Mass Radio Show:
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Case Study: Have You Been A Victim of Stolen Funds?


There are few worst feelings than suddenly losing something you worked truly hard on, from an essay to an event or even a personal project. Imagine the hidden danger of losing everything you’ve worked for your entire life, your business, your home, even your retirement fund.

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