4 Troublesome Myths Regarding Female Entrepreneurship


Women are capable of becoming excellent entrepreneurs. However, there are some fallacies that deter women from fulfilling their passion of owning their own businesses. Take a look at the following four myths to avoid when you’re deciding whether or not to start your own business.

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India to USA – Poor to Rich

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There is poor in America. And then, there is third-world poverty poor in India.

Few Americans will ever know what it is like to grow up in a home that doesn’t have a bathroom, but at the age of 6, I lived in a small apartment in Bombay that didn’t even have a toilet. My entire family had to use a shared bathroom outside.

Today, my children have the entire second floor of our home to themselves. They’ve seen more of the world before the age of 12 than I ever imagined I would see in my adult life.
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