During the last partial government shutdown, lasting a total of 35 days, the White House dissolved a workplace safety regulation stipulated in 2016 which required employers to electronically submit detailed reports of workplace injuries to the Department of Labor through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

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Monthly Archives: January 2019
Special Guest Interview with Wendy Federman, Award-Winning Broadway & Film Producer & President of Foolish Mortals Productions
What is a Producer?
“A producer is a rare, paradoxical genius: hard-headed, soft-hearted, cautious, reckless, a hopeful innocent in fair weather, a stern pilot in stormy weather, a mathematician who prefers to ignore the laws of mathematics and trust intuition, an idealist, a realist, a practical dreamer, a sophisticated gambler, a stage-struck child. That’s a producer.”
–Oscar Hammerstein II
CA Passes Women on Corporate Boards: Disrupting Real Estate Businesses
NAWRB had the pleasure of writing a formal letter to the various committees on the California State Assembly and Governor Jerry Brown regarding the passing of SB 826 bill, which requires that at least one woman be on the board of publicly held companies in California by year end 2019.
At time of writing, California Jerry Brown has officially signed the SB 826 bill this year, a landmark legislation requiring female representation on corporate boards. Despite concerns over its potential efficacy. The bill is an important step in diversity and inclusion, as well as for the advancement of women.
One World Trade Center: A Symbol of Hope & a Hallmark of Building Safety
Seventeen years later, the aftermath of 9/11 continues to haunt us. All of us who were alive and old enough to remember will never forget where we were and the effect it has had on our lives. The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, a division of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, under the Dept. of Labor accounted for 2,886 9/11 related injuries in 2001, a list including people of all ages, ethnicities, gender, and types of work—in essence, a snapshot of America. For those who responded to the attacks, the toll it continues to take is unforgiving.
Board Diversity in Fortune 500 Companies Has Tripled Since 2010
The Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics (LEAP) and the Alliance for Board Diversity have partnered to create the Missing Pieces Report: The 2018 Board Diversity Census of Women and Minorities on Fortune 500 Boards.” The report looks at trends in overall diversity and comparative differences in rates of representation among board positions in the corporate sphere.
Just Released: NAWRB Magazine Change in America, sheCENTER(FOLD) Quinn Palomino
Change in America – WOW, where do we start? During these exciting times filled with anxiety and living on the edge of our seats, Women in the Housing and Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) brings you our incredible Issue of NAWRB Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 4, featuring sheCENTER(FOLD) Quinn Palomino, real estate entrepreneur, shareholder, and Co-Founder and Principal at Virtua Partners, and a Special Guest Interview with Wendy Federman, eight-time Tony Award, seven-time Drama Desk Award, eleven-time Drama League Award, and ten-time Outer Critics Circle Award winning producer.
Millennial Homebuyers: Driving Force of the Real Estate Market
A new study by Clever Real Estate indicates that the Millennial generation is well on its way to becoming the driving force in the housing market. Buyers 37 years and younger make up the largest share of homebuyers at 36 percent, despite the fact that homeownership rates remain highest among those aged 65 and older as the U.S. Census Bureau reveals. Millennials still see owning a home as part of the American dream, and real estate agents should prepare themselves to better serve this new generation of buyers.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2019
Today Americans observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday occurring every third Monday in January, in honor of the life and achievements of a leading figure in the Civil Rights Movement almost three decades ago. This marks the 90th anniversary of his birth, which was on January 15th, 1929.
NAWRB’s Response to IRS Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Opportunity Zones
27 December 2018
To Whom It May Concern,
Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) is writing in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Opportunity Zones provision of the Internal Revenue Code (Section 1400Z-2)
NAWRB’s decade-long history in social impact through our data analytics, media engagement, connections with senior executives and expert leaders across the housing ecosystem, and involvement in government legislation, drives our ability to facilitate greater returns on communities, helping them thrive and be sustainable for generations to come. Our primary role in Opportunity Zones is connecting and advising key players on the best way to positively impact distressed communities.
Government Shutdown Puts Women-Owned Businesses and the Housing Ecosystem at Risk
Today marks the 27th day of the partial government shutdown that started on December 22nd, 2018, which is now the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. Many, but not all, government agencies have been affected, causing federal employees to either be furloughed or to work without pay, national parks to close and affordable housing funding has come to a halt, among other effects.