Tune in on Wednesday, July 1st, at 8 AM PST for Know the Rules of the GameⓇ Podcast: Black Bill of Rights with your host Desirée Patno, CEO & President of Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB), and Special Guest Jasper James, Co-Founder of Allies of Black Lives Matter and Activism Articulated, one of the only advocacy communications firms run by queer, mixed-race women of color. Jasper will enlighten audiences on the “Black Bill of Rights,” a conceptual framework meant to empower Black communities in all facets of American life. Listen: https://www.nawrb.com/podcast/.

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Monthly Archives: June 2020
The Power of Women in Business
by EXIT Realty Corp. Staff Writer, Maegan Carrasquillo
We’ve all heard the expression, “hitch your wagon to a star.” It’s the notion of seeking out those who shine and learning how to excel right along with them.
Recent theories suggest that having a strong, positive role model – especially as a young girl growing up in today’s world – can pack a three-fold inspirational, behavioral, and potentiality punch.
“Role models are important especially for women and other groups facing a host of social challenges and obstacles,” reads a 2019 Women’s Day and Female Role Models article on Psychology Today. “Role models show us what is possible; they inspire us and demonstrate possible ways we can overcome obstacles and actualize our potential.”
In the world of real estate, roughly 63% of all REALTORS® are female according to a 2018 report by NAR, yet only 12-14% hold roles of President, CEO, Executive Director or similar. This is where the National Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) come in; to show women what’s possible through powerful representation. The NDILC is part of Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem, also known as NAWRB.
The council is made up of women like EXIT Realty Corp. International’s, CEO, Tami Bonnell, who hold senior executive roles within real estate and related fields and they recently developed a list of 10 women leadership principles.
- Acknowledge Trailblazers- Know and learn from the women who came before you. We’re all standing on the shoulders of giants.
- Keep Achieving- Effective leaders always keep learning. There’s always something to learn and improve upon.
- Believe- Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve.
- Pass the Torch- Give opportunities to future generations of women. Your legacy will be the people you help along the journey.
- Know Yourself- Be authentic and lead in a way that is true to you. Own your unique talents and strengths and empower those around you.
- Speak Out- Unconscious bias is present, but ignoring it only perpetuates it. Take a stand and speak out.
- Listen- Never assume anything about anyone. Everyone has their own story that makes them who they are.
- Be Present- Sharing your time is one of the most valuable gifts you can give. Do it with intention by truly being present.
- Prepare for the Future- Women with advanced skills today will be ready for tomorrow’s challenges.
- Lead by Example- Inclusion isn’t enough. Press for parity and strive for excellence in everything.
The list was written to pass on lessons learned on the path to leadership and can be used for nearly any field. Not everyone has had the same access to positive female role models but both individuals and companies alike can help by following them. It’s up to all of us to continue this positive movement in a forward motion toward true equality.
Know the Rules of the Game Ⓡ Podcast: Latest Rules on the SBA EIDL & PPP Loans
Welcome to Know the Rules of the GameⓇ Podcast: Latest Rules on the SBA EIDL & PPP Loans with your host Desirée Patno, CEO & President of Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB). The CARES Act, which was signed into law by President Trump on March 27, 2020, established the SBA Economic Injury Disaster (EIDL) Loans & PPP (Paycheck Protection Program). These two programs have had several revisions during this extremely short time of processing millions of loans. On June 15th and June 5th, 2020 respectively, these SBA COVID-19 Relief Options issued additional guidelines and ease of processing. Listen here!
SBA & Treasury Will Increase Transparency of Paycheck Protection Program Loans
On June 19th, 2020, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury made a joint announcement that they will make additional data public regarding the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), in agreement with leaders of the U.S. Senate Small Business Committee. In doing so, they will make a concerted effort to facilitate the interests of both transparency of data and protection for small businesses who receive PPP loans.
VIDEO: NDILC Women Leadership Principle #8: Be Present with Council Member Tami Bonnell
NAWRB’s Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) introduced their Ten Women Leadership Principles in 2020, which they collectively created to help women in the workforce become more effective leaders at any stage of their careers, and empower other women to reach their full potential. This is a universal guide for all levels of leadership, and any woman can benefit from applying them. This week, NDILC presents the eighth principle, “Be Present” shared with a personal story by NDILC Member Tami Bonnell, CEO of EXIT Realty International Corp.
SBA Releases EZ Forgiveness Application in Response to PPP Flexibility Act of 2020
In response to the PPP Flexibility Act of 2020, signed into law by President Trump on June 5, 2020, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) posted a revised, borrower-friendly Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness application. In addition to revising the full forgiveness application, SBA also published a new “EZ version” of the forgiveness application. “These changes will result in a more efficient process and make it easier for businesses to realize full forgiveness of their PPP loan,” states the SBA’s official press release.
Essential Women Preserving the Quality of Life
For the first time in NAWRB history, this sheCENTER(FOLD) features not just one woman but a collage of dynamic “Essential Women” who are impacting the well being of society through these difficult times. After asking our community for submissions, we are incredibly humbled to give center stage to a few of these women leaders, representing a variety of positions and backgrounds, who are helping to ensure the quality of life of countless Americans as we tackle the corona virus (COVID-19) as a united front. These women are having a positive impact on the world, even if their actions are unseen and unheard. NAWRB gives voice to their selfless actions and sheds light on their efforts to show these women that they are being noticed and appreciated. Continue reading →
Must-Know Facts about Elder Financial Abuse
Elder financial abuse is a growing problem, leaving destroyed relationships and economic destruction in its wake. From straightforward theft to slow development through complex relationships, the tremendous loss of wealth incurred by senior citizens results in premature deaths and intergenerational loss of wealth. It ultimately rips at the fabric of society as a whole as trust among family members and faith in financial institutions are destroyed.
SBA Reopens Economic Injury Disaster Loan and Advance Program for Small Businesses, Non-profits
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced today that it has reopened the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance program portal to all eligible U.S. small businesses, private non-profit organization or 501(c)(19) veterans organizations, who are experiencing economic impacts due to COVID-19. The EIDL program, established by the CARES Act, offers long-term, low interest assistance that can alleviate temporary loss of revenue and help cover payroll and inventory, pay debt or fund other expenses.
Know the Rules of the GameⓇ Podcast: Leading Through Crisis and Chaos
Tune in on June 17th, at 8 AM PST, for Know the Rules of the GameⓇ Podcast: Leading Through Crisis and Chaos with your host Desiree Patno, CEO & President of Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) and Special Guest Davia Temin, President and CEO of Temin and Company – a boutique management consultancy that helps corporations and organizations create, enhance and save their reputations and coaches board directors and C-Suite executives.