Keep Achieving QOTD: Kellie Aamodt


What an incredible month surrounding achievement! Achieving is a lifelong mission as Kellie Aamodt reminded us during our event!

“Listening is such a key point to keep achieving”

“If you don’t know anyone that is different and don’t talk to anyone that is different you will only have a very small mindset”

“One of the ways to achieve and one of the ways to continue to grow and learn is by building a network”

Enjoy your personal journey of lifelong achievement and remember to listen, build a network, and surround yourself with different people!

If you missed our #keepachieving events this month, be sure to check them out on our YouTube Channel!

Continue to share your #keepachieving stories all month long

#NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenForTwenties


Stay connected with NAWRB!