7. Listen with the NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswomen


Last Thursday, the NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswomen continued the dialogue of what June’s theme: #7 Listen means to them.

June is #7 Listen hosted Nina Fabbri: Unconscious bias is present, but ignoring it only perpetuates it. Take a stand and speak out.
Watch the full broadcast here: youtu.be/NmmnXUv6u2c
Throughout June, we want to know how you #Listen. Tell us YOUR story by using these hashtags: #NDILCTenForTwenties #NDILCTopTen #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCLeadership

To learn more about the NDILC’s Ten Women Leadership Principles nawrb.com/NDILC

Family Office Coffee Clutch

Lake Tahoe

LESS THAN AN HOUR! Come join us for another great Family Office Coffee Clutch call where Wendy Craft, Marty Dutch, De Anna Guerreiro, and Desirée Patno share all the latest news, synergies, conferences and opportunities within the Family Office realm. This week, they’re excited to showcase De Anna’s ELLE Family Office Network launch “Women’s Collaborative”!

Swing by and bring your questions!
Clubhouse link: https://tinyurl.com/fnsc7thp