#QuoteOfTheDay with Tasha Liniger


Strong leaders always recognize the importance of being vulnerable. To Tasha Liniger (she/her), vulnerability allows you to promote a work space that encourages open and honest discussion with your colleagues.

Principle #7. Listen hosted by Tasha Liniger: Never assume anything about anyone. Everyone has their own story that makes them who they are.

To hear more about how Liniger practices June’s theme, #Listen, watch the full NDILC Ten Women Leadership Principles Broadcast here: https://tinyurl.com/4dvt272u

We want to hear YOUR stories of how you #Listen in your life. Tell us by using these hashtags! #NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenForTwenties #NDILCTopTen

#leadership #professionaldevelopment #communication

7. Listen with the NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswomen


Last Thursday, the NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswomen continued the dialogue of what June’s theme: #7 Listen means to them.

June is #7 Listen hosted Nina Fabbri: Unconscious bias is present, but ignoring it only perpetuates it. Take a stand and speak out.
Watch the full broadcast here: youtu.be/NmmnXUv6u2c
Throughout June, we want to know how you #Listen. Tell us YOUR story by using these hashtags: #NDILCTenForTwenties #NDILCTopTen #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCLeadership

To learn more about the NDILC’s Ten Women Leadership Principles nawrb.com/NDILC

Family Office Coffee Clutch

Lake Tahoe

LESS THAN AN HOUR! Come join us for another great Family Office Coffee Clutch call where Wendy Craft, Marty Dutch, De Anna Guerreiro, and Desirée Patno share all the latest news, synergies, conferences and opportunities within the Family Office realm. This week, they’re excited to showcase De Anna’s ELLE Family Office Network launch “Women’s Collaborative”!

Swing by and bring your questions!
Clubhouse link: https://tinyurl.com/fnsc7thp

Listen with the NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswomen

listen nina

Join us THIS THURSDAY (June 10th) at 5 PM PDT for June’s NDILC Ten Women Leadership Theme: #7 Listen with Ninoska “Nina” Fabbri, Director of Business Partnerships at HomeServices of America.

Have you RSVP’d yet? Make sure to RSVP for the FREE event here! https://fb.me/e/1Jg9frikx

Check out all our upcoming events here!

To learn more about the delegates and how YOU can join our team, please visit www.NAWRB.com/delegate

Laura Dietz DeAnn Golden Laura Harbison Jennifer Ruspini,NRBA Brandy Nelson Mickey Vandenberg Leora Ruzin, CMB, AMP Tiffany Curry Vanessa Montañez, MBA Angie Weeks Sandy Hernandez Miller Nancy Obando Esther Ayuk, MPH Suha Zehl 🎯 Veronica Montalvo

#womenleadership #event #leadershipdevelopment #listen #storytelling

Working with Family Offices: Family Office Coffee Clutch – Security

james claggion

As summer approaches and vacations are being booked, ensuring your travel safety beforehand will save you the worries of being abroad.

Join tomorrow’s Family Office Coffee Clutch with special guest James Claggion PPS in which Wendy Craft, Claggion, and Patno will discuss personal travel security and ways you can keep you and your family protected!

Skip the Clubhouse waitlist & RSVP for the event here! http://tinyurl.com/fochjc

#travelsafety #personalsafety #tourism #summervacation #travel