Today marks Women’s Equality Day, a day established in 1973 to commemorate the same day in 1920 when women were first granted the right to vote in the United States. This year is the 99th anniversary of women’s right to vote, and women have been voting more than their male counterparts since 1980. The voter turnout in 2018 was 55 percent for women and 51.8 percent for men. In 2014, women’s turnout was 43 percent and men’s turnout was 40.8 percent.

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Tag Archives: voting
New York Celebrates 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage
This week marks the 100th anniversary of Women’s Suffrage in New York. While the 19th Amendment—which gave women the right to vote after 70 years of activism by revolutionaries like Sojourner Truth and Eleanor Roosevelt—was passed by Congress in 1919 and ratified by the states in 1920, New York State gave women the right to vote an entire three years earlier in 1917.
Silvia N. Rathell, NAWRB Government Relations Chairwoman, Named Director for Latin@ Council of the Maryland Diversity Leadership Council
NAWRB is proud to announce that Silvia N. Rathell, our Government Relations Chairwoman, has been named Director for Latin@ Council of the Maryland Diversity Leadership Council. The position will allow Rathell to help generate involvement and request feedback on strategy to bolster voter participation among the Latin@ community.